Are your water bills out of control? These days, we’re all spending a lot more time at home, which means water usage is increasing. Unfortunately, this means the amount you’re paying is also rising.
You don’t want to start rationing water or creating rosters for showers for the whole family. It’s also not worth washing your clothes in a sink and scrubbing out stains as they used to in the olden days just to save a few dollars here or there.
Luckily, there are some simple steps that you can take to preserve water and keep your bills under control. Let’s discuss some tips and ideas to help you get started.
If all of your money is going into bills, then you can make a few changes around the home to cut back on water usage and save you a few dollars.
Did you know that around 90% of the electricity that your washer uses is to heat water? Even though many people think that washing your clothes in warm water gets the best outcome, you can get even better results using cold water.
Not only will the colours look more vibrant, but cold water also reduces clothes fading and shrinking. In fact, the only shrinking you’ll see is the numbers on your electricity and water bills.
We all love a nice, hot shower in the morning to help us wake up and face the day. Unfortunately, these luxurious indulgences use between six and 45 litres of water each minute you stand underneath it.
If you can cut back on the length of time you spend in the shower to four minutes or less, then you could reduce your usage by approximately 20 percent. This will add up over the quarter and show significant savings when your bill arrives.
If you have two kitchen sinks, you might have one of them filled with soapy water and the second basin rinsing it off before you stack it on the rack. But a better alternative is to fill this one with clean water.
Eventually, it will become soapy as well. But you can just empty it and refill it, which is still much better than using a running tap. If you don’t have a second sink, then simply fill up a large pan full of water and use this instead.
If you’re just getting yourself a snack or only using a few items for cooking dinner, then clean your dishes without using the dishwasher. You can save a lot of water and a lot of money by only turning it on when it’s at capacity.
When you do decide to run the dishwasher, you should use the economy wash cycles. You might need to rinse your plates in cold water and give them a soft scrub before stacking it, but you’ll still end up better off compared to using a normal wash phase.
A standard hose can use around 38 litres of water per minute, which is a lot to keep your car looking pristine. Thankfully, there are other alternatives that can help keep your vehicle looking its best without the use of running water.
Grab two buckets and fill one with clean water and the other that’s combined with the cleaning liquid. After you’ve scrubbed the car and ready to rinse it off, slowly pour the bucket of clean water over the vehicle until all the soap is gone.
Occasionally you must spend money to save money. While the above tips and tricks will help reduce your water bill, you’ll get more bang for your buck by spending a few dollars purchasing these items.
If you’ve got a large family or can’t bring yourself to cut back on your precious shower time, then you might be best to replace your head with a more energy-efficient option. Reducing the flow can end up cutting your water usage by approximately 40 percent.
When you’re shopping for a new showerhead, take a close look at the features to see what makes it energy efficient. You also want to look at how many litres of water per minute it uses. Ideally, you want it to be under 15 litres per minute in order to notice a difference.
Low flow toilets are great for conserving water and reducing your bills, but a dual flush toilet will bring you more significant benefits. For some higher-end models, the savings can be up to 50kL of water, which equates to approximately $150 a year.
If you can manage to use the half-flush option the majority of the time to eliminate waste, then you’ll instantly start saving on water usage. Just make sure to check the flush volume of the toilet you’re purchasing to get an idea of how much you’ll be using each time you push the button.
This might seem like common sense, but sometimes it can be hard to identify some of the leaks in your house. The best places to check are your toilet and in the kitchen.
For the toilet, put some coloured dye in the tank and leave it for an hour. Inspect the bowl, and if you see any discolouration, then it means you’ve got a leak.
For the kitchen, place a bowl under the taps and the sink. Leave it overnight and if there is any sign of water, then get it fixed immediately.
It is possible to run your entire house completely on rainwater. It’s an expensive option that requires a tank and some changes to the piping to ensure what you’re getting is cleaned when it comes out of the tap, but the savings once it’s up and running are substantial.
You just need to ensure you’re getting enough rain to justify the installation. If not, then you’re best to maintain your existing supply and use the rainwater to maintain your gardens and other parts of the house.
Also known as greywater, this is the liquid that comes out after your washing machine has finished with it. It cannot be consumed by any human, but it can be used for plants and garden beds.
In addition to your washing machine, you can also redirect the dishwasher, shower, and bathwater so that it gets recycled for the garden. Just don’t use it on any vegetable or herb patches as you don’t want to be rinsing any food with this type of water.
Making some small changes to how you use water around the house can make a big difference to both the environment and your bills. However, if you want to make a larger dent, then you might want to replace some of the items around the home that are sinking your funds.
When it comes to sourcing and installing water-efficient products, you should get in touch with All Day Plumbing. We offer a wide range of items that can help you get your bills under control. Book an appointment and start saving today.